Weekly Faves (8.31.16)

I’m bringing some recent favorite links to you on a Wednesday. I had every intention of getting these posted last week, but real life and home projects took over. In the next few weeks, I plan on sharing an August book review, an honest opinion of my Blue Apron experience (a meal delivery service), and a how-to guide on caring for and adding character to a home with hardwood floors. Stay tuned – and thank you SO much for reading.

Lauren Graham wants to revisit The Bravermans. And all the ‘Parenthood’ fans said “Amen!”

Teacher’s new homework policy goes viral. If you’ve been on the internet at all in recent weeks, I’m sure you’ve seen this. As a recovering academic overachiever, I agree with this new policy that encourages parents to place more importance on the other crucial aspects of childhood and family life in the off-school hours.

Where are my online shoppers? If you don’t already know about eBates (<– referral link), you need to check it out. You get cash back every quarter just for using their site as the gateway to make a purchase at a ton of online retailers. No strings attached (and it’s free). You can even use it on sites like Orbitz when scheduling vacations. With Labor Day coming up, a lot of stores will be doubling their cash back offers (think Gap, Kohl’s, JCPenney, Amazon, etc.).

Baked Peaches and Cream Oatmeal. I love a baked oatmeal recipe that I can eat for breakfast all week long. This is a winner, and be sure to add more peaches when you make it – because why wouldn’t you? 🙂

Maybe someday I’ll master the early morning exercise routine. A philosophical perspective on the alarm clock and waking early.

How much better would the world be if we could all be “real” about motherhood? YES.

13 things that don’t make sense to ‘Type A’ people. I don’t know that I consider myself “Type A” – I’m more of a mix between A & B (if such a category exists). But I have many friends who I believe would nod their head in agreement with these statements.

This is a weeper if you’re a cat lover. My two cats drive me crazy most of the time, but I’m pretty sure I would be an emotional wreck if this were happening to us. How do these pets have the ability to steal such a large part of our hearts?

Why I choose to buy from moms and not corporations. I’m a little ashamed to admit that I used to be adamantly against direct sales of any kind. I was always very turned off by what I viewed as people peddling their products. But I’ve seen the light and this article touches on a big piece of why I now want to support others in their network marketing journey.

Happy Hump Day!