Weekend Faves

Another week, another round of favorites. This is where I share some of the things I’ve been loving throughout the week (food, fashion finds, good reads, internet gems, and life) and I always enjoy hearing about your faves, too, if you’d like to join in the comments section. Happy Holiday Weekend!

Brunch with my people last Sunday. Definitely a favorite.

8 ways to put your garden on auto-pilot. Need this so desperately.

The special sauce from this recipe for BLTs. Wanted a little somethin’ to go on my burger earlier in the week and saw this sauce combo in my feed. It’s my new condiment obsession.

Mom’s voice sparks dance party for toddler with new hearing aids. The sweetest.

Awesome Game of Thrones onesies. GoT fans will want these!

Ikea to stop selling dresser. Definitely not a fave but a PSA for anybody who has one. So scary!

Orange Is the New Black. Loving this season!

Lisa Frank is releasing an adult coloring book. Is anyone else into the adult coloring books? I have a couple and while it’s fun, I don’t do it very often. This may change with LF’s version – I was a diehard fan as a kid.

Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Baby Bachelorette.’ A toddler spoof where they duke it out for the first impression unicorn.

Miss Teen USA is eliminating swimsuit portion. About time.

The best no-bake cookie recipe I’ve ever tried. Used whole milk. Game changer.

Letters to stay-at-home and working moms. A good reminder that the grass is always greener on the other side.

Dad’s funny daycare wardrobe malfunction. Hilarious.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!