Friday Faves

I was under the weather this week so I was a bit removed from the internet and news, but I found these items worth mentioning. Since I’ve been out of the loop lately, I’d love for you to share your favorites from the week in the comments below!

Homemade PB&J cups. These might have to be a weekend making/eating project.

Pokémon Go’s effect on childhood obesity and depression. I still don’t really understand this worldwide obsession, but let’s hope the positives outweigh the negatives with this craze.

Why Shawn Johnson didn’t return to the Olympics in 2012. She’s such a class act and so courageous for sharing her story.

Not a favorite, but interesting news about why you shouldn’t share video subscriptions. I’m sure this won’t stop people, but it sure makes you think twice. Eek!

Jennifer Aniston is fed up. You go, girl.

Why I kiss my son on the lips. Has anyone else heard about the criticism of this photo? Ridiculous. I’ll take all the toddler kisses I can get.

How to look put together when you have five minutes. Good tips here!

Being the Change: How You Can Help During This Difficult Time. Particularly relevant after the devastating attack in France yesterday. So many prayers for our broken world.

Jane the Virgin Season 2. I just noticed there were new episodes on Netflix earlier this week (they could have been there longer even though I just discovered them) so it was a good way to pass the time when I had the stomach flu (blech). Such a cute/quirky show if you haven’t watched it already!

Have a great weekend, everyone!